From Mobile Suit Gundam AGE anime series, this is Gundam Age : AGE-1T Gundam AGE-1 Titus 1/144 Scale Model Bandai . First alternate form for Gundam Age-1 is a bulky highly armored, yet extremely maneuverable melee suit. Comes with beam…
Tag Archive for Gundam Age
Gundam Age : AGE-1 Gundam AGE-1 Normal 1/144 Scale Model Bandai
From Mobile Suit Gundam AGE anime series, this is Gundam Age : AGE-1 Gundam AGE-1 Normal 1/144 Scale Model Bandai . First Gundam used in “Gundam Age” includes ball jointed torso and double joints in legs and arms to allow…
Gundam Age : AGE-2 Gundam AGE-2 Normal 1/144 Scale Model Bandai
From Mobile Suit Gundam AGE anime series, this is Gundam Age : AGE-2 Gundam AGE-2 Normal 1/144 Scale Model Bandai . Transformable Gundam used in the second act of “Gundam Age.” Can transform between flight mode and mobile suit mode…
Gundam Age : OVV-F Gafran 1/144 Scale Model Bandai
From Mobile Suit Gundam AGE anime series, this is Gundam Age : OVV-F Gafran 1/144 Scale Model Bandai . First UE (Vagan) mobile suit seen in “Gundam Agem” that can transform into a dragon like form. Articulated tail-cannon allows for…
Gundam Age : XVB-XD Farsia 1/144 Scale Model Bandai
From Mobile Suit Gundam AGE anime series, this is Gundam Age : XVB-XD Farsia 1/144 Scale Model Bandai . The MS piloted by Yurin in the climax scene of “Mobile Suit Gundam Age” first season. Clear rods and a special…